Monday, March 12, 2007

Be there once again

Memories taught me the lessons I learned
To take in with every passing turnWith every life’s road traveled.
My eyes close as I see time flow
From time as a child,care free and wild.
My wild hair growing and scares showing
The late night games played as a child.
How I miss the care free imagination innocent and mild.
A smile grows as the past shows
Of the desires and dreams of a young boy grow.
Aging seemed to take forever
Even through the green clovers in
The field by the culver where games where played
With my parents I would persuade
Just to stay to play just a little bit longer.
The years did show as I began to grow
And these where the best times I know.
A teeny bobber and compulsive shopper
These times where the topper of them all.
With my team we won races
And drama plays with excited faces
How I wish I could be back in those places!
Late on sight my parents I would fight
So I can stay up later with every passing night.
Girls and cars gave me scares
With that I learned but for it I still urn.
Now each year goes faster with
Every day that passes here
Just wishing that the good times would stay
So I would not have to say good-bye to another passing day.
Now new memorize are to be madeWith every year that will fade.
Every now and then I see the places I have been
In hope to steal a glimpse of the time that hand been
And just maybe, one last time, be there once again.